On November 15, 2024, the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology led by Associate Professor Chaiya Thanapatsiri, Dean of the Faculty, along with faculty members, staff, and students, participated in the Loy Krathong Tradition Preservation Project at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya. The event was organized by the Student Development Division and was officially opened by Associate Professor Piya Prasongchan, Vice President of the university, along with other administrative members.
The project was organized to preserve the beautiful Thai tradition of Loy Krathong and to teach students about the Thai customs surrounding this festival. The event included various activities such as:
- Thai Folk Song Contest
- Miss Noppamas and Mr. Srivijaya Contest
- A live music performance by RUTS BAND.
The event also saw the participation of staff, students, and the general public who came to cheer for the contestants and enjoy the festivities, including the krathong floating ceremony at the Phumipanya (Power of Wisdom) Area of the university. This event provided an opportunity for all participants to appreciate and continue the tradition of Loy Krathong while fostering unity and cultural understanding.