Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, RUTS, Supports Podcast Production Skills for Students in “Ploi Khong Long Lao” Season 6 by Thai PBS

On August 17, 2024, students from the Mass Communication Technology program at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RMUTSV), participated in a workshop under the “Ploi Khong Long Lao” Season 6 (Southern Region Tour) project, organized by Thai PBS. The workshop focused on podcast production under the theme “Telling Stories Through Sound,” where students learned various techniques and skills to create engaging content. At the opening ceremony, Assistant Dean for Student Development, Mr. Alawi Hasani, welcomed the project organizers from Thai PBS at the Chuphan Conference Room, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, RMUTSV.

The project was attended by communication and mass communication students from five institutions: RMUTSV, Prince of Songkla University (Pattani Campus), Thaksin University, Songkhla Rajabhat University, and Yala Rajabhat University. This demonstrated the collaboration and development of mass communication skills within the Southern region.

The program included lectures on topics such as the opportunities and challenges of podcasts in the media industry, the evolving media landscape, and innovations in Thai PBS’s operations. Practical sessions were conducted on storytelling design, announcing and hosting skills, using sound effects, and understanding copyright laws. Additionally, students had the opportunity to exchange experiences with alumni currently working at Thai PBS, who provided insights and answered questions.

The project aimed to equip students with podcast production knowledge and skills that they can apply in real-world projects, enhancing their potential and abilities for future career development.