Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, RUTS Holds IED Open House: Step into the Future

On August 28, 2024, at the Chuphan Conference Room, the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS) hosted the IED Open House event. The ceremony was presided over by Assistant Professor Piya Prasongchan, Deputy Rector of RMUTS, who gave the opening remarks. The event was reported on by Assistant Professor Chaiya Thanapathsiri, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology. The event was attended by over 400 participants, including administrators, faculty members, staff, students, and high school students.

The purpose of this event was to promote and provide educational guidance to high school students and vocational education institutions in Southern Thailand. It aimed to build networks and foster good relationships between educational institutions, helping students make informed decisions about their further education. The event provided participants with insights into the basic skills of various programs.

Activities included competitions such as assembling and designing small mobile robot control systems, precision measurement skills, electrical wiring, and printed circuit board design. There were also numerous activity stations for participants to engage in.

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