Public Relation Team of IED RUTS Participates in “Songkhla Education Day” 2024 Exhibition

On August 26, 2024, at the Prem 100 Years Auditorium, Mahawitayalai School, Songkhla Province, Governor Somnuek Phongkiew presided over the scholarship award ceremony under the General Prem Tinsulanonda Foundation. The Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RMUTS) participated in the exhibition booth for Songkhla Education Day, with students from the Mechatronics Engineering program joining the event.

Before the ceremony began, Governor Somnuek Phongkiew visited various educational exhibitions and innovations from different schools. The event included the presentation of certificates to donors, awards for outstanding scholarship students, scholarships from the General Prem Tinsulanonda Foundation, and awards for educational competition participants.

The Governor addressed the audience, emphasizing the significance of Songkhla Education Day, held annually on August 26 to commemorate General Prem Tinsulanonda’s birthday. This day highlights the importance of education across all sectors in Songkhla Province. He expressed appreciation to those who support education by providing scholarships and congratulated the scholarship recipients, outstanding students, and winners of educational competitions.

Governor Phongkiew encouraged scholarship students to take pride in their achievements and to give back to their community by being responsible and contributing positively to society. He urged them to use their scholarships to maximize their educational opportunities and to continue to develop themselves and their country.